
Sand Collection

So back in July, I showed you the way I LOVE to display my vacations in my house.  If you didn't see that post, here it is...Travel Collage, Scrapbook, Picture, Display, Thing  but don't forget to come back and finish this post.  :) 

Well, another obsession of mine is collecting sand from all of the different beaches and islands I visit.  I saw this concept in a magazine years ago, fell head-over-heels IN LOVE with it, started my collection shortly there after, and haven't stopped since!  I just added my 11th vase of sand, and this is what my collection looks like today (when put all together).   

I'm not sure exactly what excites me the most...visiting these beautiful places, creating new memories, bringing a new sand home and being able to compare it to the others (color, texture, grain size, etc.), buying another funky vase, or just adding adding to my collection?  Who knows?  What I DO know is I LOVE IT!

More pics...

Now, how to start your collection is quite obvious, but I do have some tips!

1)  Go somewhere fabulous, make some memories, and bring home some sand! 
TIP:  The best thing to keep your sand in while traveling is an empty water bottle.  If you have a larger vase you plan to use, you will probably need two water bottles of sand.  

2)  Get a vase:  I purchase my vases from random stores.  I have found most of them from Pier One, but I've also found some from Wal-Mart, Home Goods, Dollar General, etc.  I try my best to have different sizes and shapes, but I DO prefer all of them to be plain clear glass (no color tints, no embellishments, no indentations, etc).  The lady in the magazine had hers in Mason Jars, which is great because it comes with a lid!  But, you do whatever!

3)  Make a cute tag:  I use an off-white thick card stock.  You want the tag to be thicker than normal paper for sure, because otherwise it looks cheap and flimsy.  Write what beach or island you were on, punch a hole in the top, thread a string through it, and tie it around your cute new vase.

4)  Find a place to display it and you're done! 

Each vase in my collection holds SO many memories.  I have the sand from the beach in Florida where I stood barefoot and said "I do" to my best friend, the 3 beaches in the Caribbean where I spent an exhausting but CRAZY FUN weekend island hopping with some of the best women in the world, the beach in Mexico where my husband and I honeymooned, the beach on Disney's private island where I spied (or at least tried to spy) on Steve Harvey, the beach in Jamaica where my husband and I celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary and also the baby we are expecting in March.  I could go on and on! 

Hopefully this has inspired you to start your own collection.  Maybe you aren't into the sand thing...think outside the box!  Be creative and find other ways to display your precious vacation memories other than a dusty old photo album that never gets flipped through.   :)

If you need any help finding an island to visit to start your collection, you know who to call!  :)


Hyatt Place Atlanta-North

So, we just arrived at the Hyatt Place Atlanta-North hotel for our overnight stay before Jamaica in the morning!  I chose this hotel for a few reasons. 
1)  Affordable rate
2)  Good reviews
3)  Its VERY close proximity to the ATL airport (7 minutes or less)
4)  Free Wi-Fi
5)  100% Smoke Free Facility

I was confident in my choice, but I fell in LOVE when I saw this.... a Self Check-In Kiosk!

Now, for those of you who freak when you see ANYTHING with the word "Self" slapped on it, have no fear!  There is still a traditional Guest Services desk located in the lobby, with friendly hotel staff waiting with their nice little name tags on ready to help you.  But, please do me a favor and listen (or better yet, read) what I have to say about these terrific towers of technology.  

THEY ARE SOOOOO EASY TO USE!!!  Here's what I did.
1)  I touched the "Check In" button on the screen. 
2)  I swiped the credit card I used to hold the reservation and VOILA!  "Welcome Mrs. Cain!"
3)  I answered a couple of questions...
     a)  Where would you like you room...Lower Level?  Mid Level?  High Level?
     b)  How many room keys do you need...  One?  Two?
4)  The kiosk then prints out a confirmation that looks like a receipt.  It summarizes my reservation, gives me my room number, and even gives me instructions on how to find my room.  I obviously didn't need that, but hey...it would be nice to have if I did!
5)  After I pull my receipt/confirmation out, it spits out my room key.  Oh, and how CUTE is that room key?!?

I'm done!  I have just checked myself into a hotel in under 60 seconds, and THAT, to me my friend, is AWESOME!

Now here's what the room looks like.  These are real pictures, straight from my little Casio point-and-shoot camera.  No touch-ups like you may find on some websites.

 And if you're one of those crazy people who work out while on vacation...here you go.  Small, but it looks like it gets the job done.

I give it an A+!  
Great for business travel and over-night stays when you have an early flight out of ATL the next morning.  Good rate.  Rooms are very clean.  Nice modern decor and comfy beds.  Bathrooms are squeaky clean.  The staff is very friendly.  Although I didn't talk to anyone while checking in (because of the nifty kiosk), I got a call from the front desk within 30 minutes of arriving to see if I was okay and satisfied with the room.  "YES!" was my response.  To be honest, I didn't even know they knew I was here!  :)


Something about passports every BRIDE should know

Brides NEVER get back from their honeymoon with "change my passport" on their to-do list.  They're busy moving into a new home, writing thank you notes, finding a company to preserve their dress, calling their photographer on a weekly basis for an E.T.A on their pictures.  I know…I’ve been there!  :)  So, naturally the passport is no where close to the to-do list, much less ON it.  BUT if I told you it would save you $135, I'm sure you'd put it on the list, wouldn't you?

Now it's time for my BIG MONEY SAVING tip: 

If it has been less than a year from the date your current passport was issued and your name has been legally changed, you can have your passport updated without a fee!  Even better, you don't even have to go to the Post Office to do it!  This is all you have to do...

Mail in:   * your current, valid U.S. passport
                  * completed form DS-5504 (I provided the link below)
                  * original or certified copy of your marriage certificate
                  * a new 2x2 passport photo

POOF...it's done, and it didn't cost you a dime! 

Most people assume you have to apply for a whole new passport to update their name, so they toss their passport in a dresser drawer and forget about it until they get ready to travel again.  By that time, they've PROBABLY passed the 1 year mark so guess what...they're going to be spending a fat 135 bucks on a new passport. 

This is something I wish I had known 3 years ago!  I'm departing for Jamaica in less than two months, and guess where $135 of my money is going.  YUP!  Merry Christmas US Post Office, Love The Cains!   

If you're still within that year requirement, print this form out TO-DAY and get this done!  You WILL call me for another trip within the next 10 years, you WILL need your passport to be updated, and you WILL be glad you did it!

If you are past the year requirement, then girl...I know how you feel!  It's just one more reason women have it worse than men.  :)

Link to Form DS-5504:  http://travel.state.gov/passport/forms/ds5504/ds5504_2663.html


Bride and Groom Stay Free Offer

We're going to MEXICO, and we’re, gonna get CASADO!!!

This is a fabulous offer from one of my FAVORITE all-inclusive resorts in Mexico, El Dorado Royale.  I have stayed here personally, and have sent lots and lots of clients here.  There are many reasons this resort is on my top 3 Mexican All-Inclusive resort list, but it's mostly because I know when my clients arrive, they will be well taken care of, have great food and activities to choose from, and will have a stunning 5 star resort to call home during their stay.

If you’re planning or even considering having a destination wedding, El Dorado Royal is running an awesome Bride and Groom stays FREE promotion!  Here are a few more details. 

·         20% discount off room rates or lowest promotional rates at time of booking
·         20% discount off private events (Only food and beverage)
·         $500 resort credit per room (2) $100 wine vouchers, (2) $100 spa vouchers, (1) Candlelight Dinner Voucher

·         20% discount off room rates or lowest promotional rates at time of booking
·         20% discount off private events (Only food and beverage)
·         $500 resort credit per room (2) $100 wine vouchers, (2) $100 spa vouchers, (1) Candlelight Dinner Voucher
·         BRIDE AND GROOM STAY FREE in an infinity swim up casita!

Call or email me for more details!
205-538-2SEA (2732)



Travel Collage...Scrapbook...Picture...Display...THING!

I LOVE to share my vacations with people.  I blast pretty much every detail on facebook while I’m gone, I upload pictures, I blog, I hang pictures in my house, I do it all… but my most favorite way to share my vacations is with this collage/scrapbook/picture/display/thing.  I really do not know what to call it, but one thing I do know is I’m OBSESSED with making them!  Here's a step by step process of how I made my Las Vegas collage. 

Why am I OBSESSED?  I’m so glad you asked.  J
A lot of time, money, and thought goes into vacations.  You dream, save, and plan every little detail of them, so after living that dream, do you really want to bring those memories home and stick them in a plastic photo album to collect dust?  No thanks!   

How to make yours:
1) Keep EVERYTHING from your vacation!  Keep your boarding passes, receipts (gas, food, souvenirs, drinks), itinerary, hotel confirmation, luggage tags, brochures, show tickets, room keys, bus tickets, entrance wrist bands, restaurant information…EVERYTHING!  Obviously, you will not have enough room to use everything you collect; however, that’s not the point.  You want to collect a lot of stuff so you will have more variety to choose from while building your collage.
Side note:  I carry a file folder (with pockets) with me on my trips to throw all of my “precious junk” in.  Just toss it in there and worry about it when you get home. 

2)  Buy a shadow box.  I get mine from Hobby Lobby.  Just like everything else in that store, these boxes get marked down by 50% at least once a month, so wait until then to buy it.
3)  Sort.  Pull out your folder as well as all of your pictures from your trip.  Sort all of your stuff into three piles. 

  *Pile #1:  Must Haves:  things you must put in your collage.  I always choose pictures and/or items from the most memorable parts of my trips, what I enjoyed doing the most, hilarious moments, etc. 

  *Pile #2:  I like it, but it’s not a must:  Self explanatory. 

  *Pile #3:  Not going to use:  keep in mind, you’ve collected A LOT of items from your trip; therefore, there ARE going to be items you really don’t want to display.  If it’s not that interesting, didn’t have any significance to your trip, or you’re wondering, “Why did I keep this?”…this is the pile it needs to go in. 

#4:  The fun begins!  Start with your “Must Have Items” and get to layering.  Don’t glue/tape/pin anything down until you have every item placed exactly how you want it!  You have to play with this A LOT!  You will move things around, play some more, add items, take items away, and play some more.  It takes time before you get it how you want it, but the great part about this project is… there is no right or wrong way to do it.

#5:  Snap!  Take a quick picture of the almost final product.  It’s easy to forget where you had everything placed. 

#6:  Secure.  Remove all of your items and start securing them to the board.  I use pins, tape, and glue.  Layer it all back up (referring to your picture if needed) until it is secure and nothing falls off. 

#7:  Done!  Put the front of the frame on and hang it in your house…You’re finished!

Here are pictures of the other shadow boxes I've made from trips in the past. 

Disney Dream Cruise

2 Year Anniversary Carnival Cruise

Honeymoon El Dorado Royale Resort, Cancun Mexico

I hope you all enjoy making your shadow boxes as much as I do!  They really are the BEST way (in my opinion) to display your treasured memories.  They make me smile every time I pass by them!


In ALABAMA it's NEVER too early to talk about College FOOTBALL

Okay football lovers, I spoke to my Sports Package Rep today and confirmed that I WILL have Bowl Packages to sell again this football season!  YIPPEEE!  I had an absolute BLAST planning everyone’s trip last year and can’t wait to do it again. 

Unfortunately, there were SO many people that had been taken advantage of this past January.  Ticket brokers sold tickets without actually having the tickets in house.  They sold tickets, which had already been purchased, to people who were willing to pay 2-3 times more than the original ticket owners.  There were also a lot of crooks that made counterfeit tickets and sold them for thousands and THOUSANDS of dollars.  It KILLED me to know there were so many people that had planned the trip of their DREAMS, and ended up getting scammed.  

I can proudly say that my clients received 100% of what was promised to them in their contract.  They all stayed in nice hotels, they all had transportation to and from the stadium, and they ALL RECEIVED THEIR TICKETS!    

We had a very successful season last year and I fully intend on making it even better this go around! 

I’m on my Sports Rep’s update list, which means YOU need to be on MY list.  Here’s how…
Email me and let me know you want Bowl Package Updates:  macycain@hotmail.com
Find me on Facebook:  www.facebook.com/macystravelpage 

P.S.  If you have faith in your team and KNOW they will go far this football season, start planning and saving for your bowl package now!  I still run into Auburn fans that had the opportunity to witness their team win the National Championship and didn’t go.  To be quite honest, they’re still in the Bitter Barn about it.  Don’t make that same mistake.  The Bitter Barn is no fun.  J


Hurricane Season is Here!!!

Video of Tropical Depression

Well, hurricane season started just 6 days ago and we already have TWO tropical systems that could potentially become hurricanes.  The tropical update went out today, and I’ve already gotten several calls from worried clients.  I’m going to take this perfect opportunity to inform you of a travel MUST HAVE…Travel Insurance! 

No one… and I mean NO ONE likes talking about travel insurance.  I hear lots of reasons why my clients do not want or need to purchase travel insurance, but these my most common.  Maybe you can relate.

#1) You’ve just spent (FILL IN THE BLANK) dollars on your vacation, and flat out REFUSE to spend another dime.  Check...got it!

#2)  After you’ve spent all of that money, all of that time talking to me (because I AM the one planning your vacation, right? J), got your wife/husband/kids/everybody all pumped up and excited about this awesome vacation, now WHO in the WORLD wants to think there's a chance something could go wrong?  No one!  Got it!

#3)  You’ve never needed it before in the past, so why purchase it now?    Yep, got that one too! 

You have to treat travel insurance the same as you do health/life/auto insurance.  It’s an absolute waste of money if you have perfect health, don’t die, or never wreck your car, but when those unfortunate instances occur…you NEED it and if you don’t have it I guarantee you’re going to wish you did!  Same with travel insurance; no you may not ever use it, but you need it when you need it. 
Here are just a few examples of things that could go wrong on your vacation

*A hurricane hits the area you are flying or cruising to.  What are you going to do?

*You arrive in Mexico, but your luggage was left in Atlanta.  Who is going to give you money to purchase the necessities until your luggage arrives?

*You twist your ankle climbing Dunn’s River Falls.  How are you going to pay for your medical bills?

*You book your destination wedding and pay your $1000 non-refundable deposit.  A month later you and your fiancée call off the wedding.  How are you going to get your deposit back?

Hey, it can and HAS happened!  I could go on and on and on with real life examples, but I think you got the point!  My goal of this entry is not to be Debby Downer on your future or upcoming vacation(s), but to make you aware that ANYTHING can happen to ANYBODY and I want you to be covered when it happens!

Bottom line, I’ve known plenty of people who have purchased insurance and never had to use it, but I’ve known of just as many people who did not purchase insurance and ended up needing it!  By that time, it’s too late and that $50-$100 insurance policy doesn’t look so expensive when they’re facing hundreds sometimes thousands of dollars in cancellation fees, medical bills, etc.

If you need any additional information or pricing on travel insurance, feel free to contact me any time! 


Disney Dream

Hello Everyone!!  Well, let me start off by saying that it's been a CRAZY year so far!  I was so very blessed to start my second year in the travel industry with a BANG, and since then business has been crazy!  I was very blessed to have spent the last week of January aboard the New Disney Dream to “test it out” before its Maiden Voyage.  Oh what a privilege this was…

I’m going to try my best to squeeze this gargantuan experience in such a small blog post by just hitting my favorite parts.  Here it goes…

This was my first “good” view of my home away from home for the next 3 nights!

My cousin Amy and I were late getting onto the ship (surprise surprise).  After a VERY speedy check-in at the terminal, I was walking very fast and was completely focused on shoving my documents, wallet, licenses, room key, etc. back into my bag… then I raised my very distracted little head to see this…THE Atrium!  (I capitalize “THE” because this is the MOTHER of all Atriums)!  I grasped Amy’s arm, took a few steps back, and tried to catch my breath!  It was THAT beautiful!  I know you're dying to see...so here's a video!

The atrium is crowned with this INSANE chandelier.  Custom made for Disney, filled with Swarovski Crystals, and covered in 24 karat gold.  What else do you expect out of Disney…really?  lol!

Next Up…our stateroom!

Deluxe Ocean View with Verandah

Sink and Shower...

Toilet room...

Dining:  The first night’s dinner was at Animator’s Palate, which ended up being my favorite restaurant!

The décor makes you feel like you’re sitting in an animator’s studio.

Aside from all of the ADORABLE decorations (that I had to resist my urge to take home as souvenirs) my favorite part was Crush, the turtle from Finding Nemo!  Disney literally brings cartoons to life in this restaurant.  There are large screens all over the walls that make you feel like you’re in the ocean.  Crush moves around each table and interacts with his dinner guests.  Check out the video below where he’s talking to yours truly!  I was beyond stoked!  J 

After dinner, we took a stroll to peek at the Kid’s Activities and look who we ran into on our way! 

Kids Activities:  My favorite was the Oceaneer Club! 

Before getting to play, the kids have to wash their hands!  Disney is so awesome!  They took a necessary task (hand washing), and made it SO MUCH FUN your kids will be begging to wash their hands.  It’s a win/win situation.  Check it out…

There are four themed play areas at the Oceaneer Club.  1) Monster’s Academy 2) Pixie Hollow 3) Explorer Pod, and my favorite…ANDY’S ROOM!!!  Andy’s Room is not only an exact replica of his room in Toy Story, but the toys are all life size so children feel like a toy. 

You can actually play with the life sized Mr./Mrs. Potato Head!!!

My next to favorite kiddy area was Nemo’s Reef, which is an interactive splash pad area.  It’s filled with everyone's favorite characters from Finding Nemo!   Nemo’s Reef is located close to Mickey’s pool, so Mom and Dad…you can chill by the pool while the kiddies play within your sight, just a few feet away.

Pirate Night:  I just have 3 things to say about Pirate Night.  1) Pack fun pirate gear for everyone to wear!  2)  Take your camera for the fireworks show!  3)  DON’T MISS IT!!!

Ahhhh the Spaaaa!!!  Being the great travel agent I am, I decided to make a huge sacrifice and experience the spa in full for all of you people!  :)  Every inch of it was beautiful!  It had all of the ammentities that you would find in a spa (sauna, steam room, jacuzzi, all the works!) 

The massage room has large windows and it feels like you're floating on the ocean.  Which you are...but, you know what I mean. 

My masseuse was fabulous!  She was itty bitty (about the size of my pinky) and I thought to myself...LORD this poor girl is going to feel like a little fly on my back.  But, oh did she have me fooled.  She worked my hard as rocks back into limp noodles!  That 60 minutes went by way too fast! 

Want a shower that feels like a Rainforest???  Got it!  Tropical Thunder???  Got that one too!  
A few more pics....
My last highlight that was probably my favorite was the Aqua Duck!  If you aren't familiar with this feature, in a nutshell, it is a water coaster that takes you from the back of the highest deck of the ship all the way to the front of the ship, up, down, OFF of the side of the ship, and dumps you in a lazy river!  Oh, and I forgot to mention...you're in a CLEAR tube the whole time!  If you think you can find this on another ship...you can't.  :)  Disney is the first in the cruising industry to have this feature, and the Disney Dream is the first ship to get it!  It is SO cool and is a MUST DO!  Sorry, I don't have any pictures for you all to see.  I obviously couldn't take my camera on this wild ride. 

Well, I guess I'll land this plane.  Let me just say that these were some of my favorite highlights of this exquisite ship!  There are plenty of things to do and see that were not featured on this blog (i.e. other dining options, nursery, Disney's Private Island Castaway Cay, etc). 

If you have any questions regarding the Disney Dream...feel free to contact me!

Email me at macycain@hotmail.com

Find me on Facebook!  www.facebook.com/macystravelpage.