
Hurricane Season is Here!!!

Video of Tropical Depression

Well, hurricane season started just 6 days ago and we already have TWO tropical systems that could potentially become hurricanes.  The tropical update went out today, and I’ve already gotten several calls from worried clients.  I’m going to take this perfect opportunity to inform you of a travel MUST HAVE…Travel Insurance! 

No one… and I mean NO ONE likes talking about travel insurance.  I hear lots of reasons why my clients do not want or need to purchase travel insurance, but these my most common.  Maybe you can relate.

#1) You’ve just spent (FILL IN THE BLANK) dollars on your vacation, and flat out REFUSE to spend another dime.  Check...got it!

#2)  After you’ve spent all of that money, all of that time talking to me (because I AM the one planning your vacation, right? J), got your wife/husband/kids/everybody all pumped up and excited about this awesome vacation, now WHO in the WORLD wants to think there's a chance something could go wrong?  No one!  Got it!

#3)  You’ve never needed it before in the past, so why purchase it now?    Yep, got that one too! 

You have to treat travel insurance the same as you do health/life/auto insurance.  It’s an absolute waste of money if you have perfect health, don’t die, or never wreck your car, but when those unfortunate instances occur…you NEED it and if you don’t have it I guarantee you’re going to wish you did!  Same with travel insurance; no you may not ever use it, but you need it when you need it. 
Here are just a few examples of things that could go wrong on your vacation

*A hurricane hits the area you are flying or cruising to.  What are you going to do?

*You arrive in Mexico, but your luggage was left in Atlanta.  Who is going to give you money to purchase the necessities until your luggage arrives?

*You twist your ankle climbing Dunn’s River Falls.  How are you going to pay for your medical bills?

*You book your destination wedding and pay your $1000 non-refundable deposit.  A month later you and your fiancĂ©e call off the wedding.  How are you going to get your deposit back?

Hey, it can and HAS happened!  I could go on and on and on with real life examples, but I think you got the point!  My goal of this entry is not to be Debby Downer on your future or upcoming vacation(s), but to make you aware that ANYTHING can happen to ANYBODY and I want you to be covered when it happens!

Bottom line, I’ve known plenty of people who have purchased insurance and never had to use it, but I’ve known of just as many people who did not purchase insurance and ended up needing it!  By that time, it’s too late and that $50-$100 insurance policy doesn’t look so expensive when they’re facing hundreds sometimes thousands of dollars in cancellation fees, medical bills, etc.

If you need any additional information or pricing on travel insurance, feel free to contact me any time! 

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