
Travel Collage...Scrapbook...Picture...Display...THING!

I LOVE to share my vacations with people.  I blast pretty much every detail on facebook while I’m gone, I upload pictures, I blog, I hang pictures in my house, I do it all… but my most favorite way to share my vacations is with this collage/scrapbook/picture/display/thing.  I really do not know what to call it, but one thing I do know is I’m OBSESSED with making them!  Here's a step by step process of how I made my Las Vegas collage. 

Why am I OBSESSED?  I’m so glad you asked.  J
A lot of time, money, and thought goes into vacations.  You dream, save, and plan every little detail of them, so after living that dream, do you really want to bring those memories home and stick them in a plastic photo album to collect dust?  No thanks!   

How to make yours:
1) Keep EVERYTHING from your vacation!  Keep your boarding passes, receipts (gas, food, souvenirs, drinks), itinerary, hotel confirmation, luggage tags, brochures, show tickets, room keys, bus tickets, entrance wrist bands, restaurant information…EVERYTHING!  Obviously, you will not have enough room to use everything you collect; however, that’s not the point.  You want to collect a lot of stuff so you will have more variety to choose from while building your collage.
Side note:  I carry a file folder (with pockets) with me on my trips to throw all of my “precious junk” in.  Just toss it in there and worry about it when you get home. 

2)  Buy a shadow box.  I get mine from Hobby Lobby.  Just like everything else in that store, these boxes get marked down by 50% at least once a month, so wait until then to buy it.
3)  Sort.  Pull out your folder as well as all of your pictures from your trip.  Sort all of your stuff into three piles. 

  *Pile #1:  Must Haves:  things you must put in your collage.  I always choose pictures and/or items from the most memorable parts of my trips, what I enjoyed doing the most, hilarious moments, etc. 

  *Pile #2:  I like it, but it’s not a must:  Self explanatory. 

  *Pile #3:  Not going to use:  keep in mind, you’ve collected A LOT of items from your trip; therefore, there ARE going to be items you really don’t want to display.  If it’s not that interesting, didn’t have any significance to your trip, or you’re wondering, “Why did I keep this?”…this is the pile it needs to go in. 

#4:  The fun begins!  Start with your “Must Have Items” and get to layering.  Don’t glue/tape/pin anything down until you have every item placed exactly how you want it!  You have to play with this A LOT!  You will move things around, play some more, add items, take items away, and play some more.  It takes time before you get it how you want it, but the great part about this project is… there is no right or wrong way to do it.

#5:  Snap!  Take a quick picture of the almost final product.  It’s easy to forget where you had everything placed. 

#6:  Secure.  Remove all of your items and start securing them to the board.  I use pins, tape, and glue.  Layer it all back up (referring to your picture if needed) until it is secure and nothing falls off. 

#7:  Done!  Put the front of the frame on and hang it in your house…You’re finished!

Here are pictures of the other shadow boxes I've made from trips in the past. 

Disney Dream Cruise

2 Year Anniversary Carnival Cruise

Honeymoon El Dorado Royale Resort, Cancun Mexico

I hope you all enjoy making your shadow boxes as much as I do!  They really are the BEST way (in my opinion) to display your treasured memories.  They make me smile every time I pass by them!

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